Lemon rootstock trial

Apr 20, 2016

Lemon rootstock trial

Apr 20, 2016

Dr. Mikeal Roose (UC Riverside, Dept. of Botany and Plant Science) is establishing a new lemon rootstock trial at Lindcove REC.  About 200 Limoneira 8A trees on 12 different rootstocks will be planted next week.  Dr. Roose will study the performance of these rootstocks and their effects on this very popular lemon variety.  

In this photo Therese Kapaun (Staff Research Associate, Lindcove REC) measures the trunk diameters of both the scion and the rootstock prior to planting.  She is using digital calipers that connect to a laptop, and the measured values are entered directly into a spreadsheet at the click of a button.