Word of the day ... hemimetabolous

Sep 7, 2011

Large Milkweed Bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus) were discussed several posts ago ... with a photo of an adult.  Here you see a cluster of nymphs (immatures) of that same species.  Milkweed bugs are hemimetabolous insects meaning that they have incomplete metamorphosis... in other words they go from egg to adult gradually by means of several nymphal stages.  These nymphal stages (usually 5 molts or instar stages) look somewhat like the adults but have a slightly different color pattern and undeveloped wings.  the black wing pads do not appear until the final molt.

Most instar stages have bright red abdomens which helps to advertise their bad taste to predators.  The gregarious nature to gather in groups probably enhances this warning coloration.

IMG 6248

By Robert J Keiffer
Author - Center Superintendent