New storms may end drought concern at HREC!

Jan 19, 2012

Based upon over 60 years of weather data collected at the UC Hopland Research & Extension Center in southeast Mendocino County, an average of 37.5 inches of rainfall precipitation per year lands near the headquarters.   As you can see from the chart below, the 2011/2012 rain season started with a bang with several good storms dropping precipitation during October and November.

However, then the sky spigot shut off and there was drought-like conditions with almost no rain whatsoever during December and early January.   If you refer to the chart, the red line is this season's total and the black line shows the 60+ year average.   Today there is a light rain occurring, and hopefully this current weather system of new storms moving through will bring us back up to normal... with the hope of boosting the rangeland forage and at the same time not flooding or delaying progress on the Shippey Education Facility. 

Precip 011812

By Robert J Keiffer
Author - Center Superintendent