Master Gardener Training a Success

Mar 18, 2012

Lindcove recently hosted a Tulare-Kings Master Gardener citrus training day with farm advisor Michelle LeStrange.  The featured speakers were Lance Walheim who spoke about citrus varieties, Neil O'Connell who discussed irrigation and fertilization, Beth Grafton-Cardwell who described common citrus pests and their management, and Georgios Vidalakis who explained how disease-free citrus trees are created and warned about deadly citrus diseases around the world.  Craig Kallsen demonstrated citrus tree pruning while the group wandered about the demonstration orchard and tasted fruit. We enjoyed 'training-the-trainers'. 

By Elizabeth E Grafton-Cardwell
Author - Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist

Attached Images:

UCCE Farm Advisor Craig Kallsen explains how to properly prune a citrus tree.

UCCE Farm Advisor Craig Kallsen explains how to properly prune a citrus tree.