CCPP Budwood Cut

Jun 19, 2012

CCPP Budwood Cut

Jun 19, 2012

Three times each year the Citrus Clonal Protection Program (CCPP) at UC Riverside conducts a budwood cut at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center.  The citrus trees that provide the budwood are grown inside Lindcove’s protective screened buildings and the budwood is distributed from LREC to the nursery industry.   The screening prevents insect vectors such as aphids and psyllids from reaching the trees and potentially infecting them with diseases.  All CCPP screenhouse trees are tested several times per year to ensure they are free of all known citrus diseases.  The next budwood cut is planned for September.  For more information about the CCPP's mission, facilities, variety descriptions, and citrus diseases log on to

By Therese Kapaun
Author - Staff Research Associate

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