Californian pomegranates bound for Korea

Sep 10, 2012

Californian pomegranates bound for Korea

Sep 10, 2012

UC and USDA APHIS recently presented a program at Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center (KARE) addressing the requirements for the export of California pomegranates to the Republic of Korea. James E. Adaskaveg, professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at UC Riverside presented information on the management of insects and pathogens on the Korean quarantine list. Magdalena Moreno from APHIS provided information on regulatory documentation required for exporting pomegranates to Korea. The event was attended by 60 growers, packers, shippers and others interested in the export of pomegranates. There have been over 1.3 million cartons of California pomegranates exported to Korea in each of the last two years.

By Laura J. Van der Staay
Author - KARE Program and Facility Coordinator, IR-4 Field Research Center Director

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